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September 2016 Archives

EEOC retaliation filings on the increase

Texas employees may be interested to learn that by 2015, retaliation claims filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission had grown to 45 percent of all EEOC claims compared to 24 percent in 1998. Retaliation claims are now more common than claims dealing with sex or race and have become the largest category of EEOC charges.

Court rules in favor of dancer

Texas workers who feel they are wrongly classified as independent contractors may have won a victory following a decision by a federal district court involving a strip club dancer. The case involved a contract similar to those commonly signed by independent workers including limousine drivers, cable installers and truck drivers.

Discrimination based on association with disabled family members

Most disabled Texas employees understand that they have rights against workplace discrimination based on their conditions under the Americans with Disabilities Act and other federal laws. They may not understand that the ADA also prohibits employers from discriminating against non-disabled employees because of their relationships with family members who are disabled.

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Houston, TX 77002

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