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noncompete agreements Archives

Achieving your goals through a partnership agreement

If you ever participated in a three-legged race, you know how much fun they are. With one leg tied to the leg of a partner, you race for the finish line. When you and your partner are in synch, you move like one, taking long strides and using each other's momentum to carry you forward. But when things go wrong, they go very wrong. An uncooperative or ill-fitting partner can leave you lying in a heap while others pass you by.

Ensuring you have a valid non-compete agreement

Your business is doing well enough that you are ready to begin expanding your staff. This is a difficult decision because more people on board means you have to rely on others, delegate duties and promote your workers. However, if you want your business to grow, you have to place a certain amount of trust in employees.

Noncompete agreement language can be crucial

When a Texas company is sold, the purchaser often requests the seller's owner to enter into a noncompete agreement. These agreements are usually limited to a specified number of years and to geographic locations in close proximity to the company. In late 2016, a Texas appellate court ruled on the enforceability of one such agreement.

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Sturm Law PLLC
712 Main Street Suite 900
Houston, TX 77002

Phone: 713-955-1800
Fax: 713-955-1078
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