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October 2017 Archives

How to spot sexual harassment at work

In 2015, a survey revealed that one out of three women experienced harassment at work at some point. When Texas employees experience such harassment, it may be a violation of their rights under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Title VII prohibits sex discrimination, and sexual harassment is deemed to be a form of discrimination.

Court case could have implications for Texas employers

A woman claims that she was raped by another worker outside of work. Both the alleged rapist and the victim were workers for the Idaho Department of Corrections. At the time of the incident in August 2011, the man had been on administrative leave for another alleged rape that occurred in July 2011. The IDOC acknowledged to the woman that it knew about his history, and he had three prior complaints prior to the July 2011 incident.

Are you exempt or non-exempt? Your classification affects overtime pay.

Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), an exempt employee generally does not accrue overtime pay. That right rests with employees classified as non-exempt. Exempt employees often make a flat salary, but non-exempt employees usually receive their pay according to the number of hours they work.

Female former employees sue Oracle for wage disparity

On Sept. 29, it was reported that three former Oracle employees, all female, filed a lawsuit against the company for pay discrimination. The lawsuit, which was seeking class-action status in order to represent all female employees at Oracle, was filed on Aug. 28. The company has locations in Texas.

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