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August 2016 Archives

Women likely to face harassment in the advertising industry

Texas residents who work in advertising my be interested to learn that, according to a survey of approximately 400 women, half have faced sexual harassment in the workplace. Additionally, approximately 33 percent said that they had been passed over for an assignment due to gender-based bias. This particular survey had female participants from middle management, senior management and other advertising professionals.

Texas Employers Failing to Pay Overtime to Misclassified Workers

Misclassifying workers as independent contractors is an ongoing problem in Texas. Workers who have been misclassified as independent contractors are not receiving the benefits and legal protections afforded to employees.

Avoiding national origin discrimination in Texas

As the immigrant population in the United States increases, it is possible that an employer will hire someone who speaks a language other than English. In some cases, that employer may try to require employees to speak English at work. While not necessarily illegal, the issue has been a source of tension between workers and employers. Employers should be aware that they are not allowed to discriminate against a worker based on national origin.

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Sturm Law PLLC
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Houston, TX 77002

Phone: 713-955-1800
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