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Women likely to face harassment in the advertising industry

Texas residents who work in advertising my be interested to learn that, according to a survey of approximately 400 women, half have faced sexual harassment in the workplace. Additionally, approximately 33 percent said that they had been passed over for an assignment due to gender-based bias. This particular survey had female participants from middle management, senior management and other advertising professionals.

The survey supports a string of controversies surrounding gender bias and sexism that have been occurring throughout the advertising industry. One lawsuit had been filed against the former CEO of JWT for using sexist slurs and for making inappropriate rape jokes in the workplace, in addition to other things. In July, the executive chairman for a major advertising company claimed that the lack of women in leadership roles in the industry was due to a lack of ambition among younger generations. He also stated that the debate over gender equality in the workplace was over.

While the advertising industry has made some progress towards gender equality, the real-world numbers still show that there is a gender bias when it comes to creative departments and executive suites in the industry. Further, it still appears that many ad execs view gender discrimination and sexual harassment as a non-issue, making it difficult to make changes.

If an employee is facing workplace harassment due to gender and the employer refuses to rectify the situation, an employment attorney may potentially help. If the employee has lost income, passed over for promotion or otherwise reprimanded due to the bias in the workplace, the attorney may be able to assist with seeking compensation for the damages that have been sustained.

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