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Top EEOC charges

Texas employers as well as their employees should be aware of the 10 types of employment discrimination claims that were most frequently reported in 2016. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission stated that 97,443 charges of employment discrimination were resolved in the 2016 fiscal year. The agency also obtained an excess of $482 million for employees who were discriminated against in private as well as government workplaces.

The top 10 employment charges that were addressed by the EEOC last year included, in descending order, those pertaining to retaliation, race, disability, sex, age, national origin, religion, color, the Equal Pay Act and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act. Retaliation cases accounted for 45.9 percent of all complaints that were filed.

The legal staff at the EEOC resolved 139 lawsuits and filed 86 discrimination lawsuits against employers. The lawsuits filed by the EEOC comprised of 31 suits involving more than one victim or discriminatory policy as well as 55 individual suits.

Out of the $482 million that was recovered, $347.9 million was acquired by conciliation, settlements and mediation for employees who were victims of discrimination in private sector workplaces as well as state and local government places of work. Also, $82 million was recovered on behalf of federal employees and applicants, and $52.2 million was obtained through litigation for workers affected by discrimination. The EEOC had 168 active cases on its docket by the end of its 2016 fiscal year. The agency states that it was able to obtain successful outcomes in 90.6 percent of all of its lawsuit resolutions.

An employment law attorney may assist a client who has been a victim of wrongful termination, retaliation, sexual harassment and more at the workplace. A complaint may be filed with the EEOC on behalf of the client that would start the process to attempt to obtain compensation for the discriminatory behavior.

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