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Uncommon types of workplace discrimination

Many Texas employees face some form of workplace discrimination every day. While the common types of discrimination are well known, like age discrimination, race discrimination and gender discrimination, there are other categories that often get overlooked.

One type of discrimination that gets ignored is part-time employee discrimination. Any employee who does not work 40 hours or more each week is considered to be part-time. Coworkers may treat part-time workers differently as they may see them as lazy. Further, employers may also pass over part-time workers for special projects or promotion opportunities.

Family responsibilities and gender discrimination can also have a major impact on an employee's ability to do his or her job. For example, working parents may face discrimination due to their flexible schedules, especially if they have to leave for a family emergency. Workers may be penalized for taking family leave, especially if they are leaving to have a baby. Additionally, gender discrimination may prevent a female employee from being hired into a traditionally male position and vice versa. Gender discrimination may also occur if female employees are the only people asked to plan office parties, order lunch, take notes during meetings or complete other "housework" tasks.

If an employee is facing discrimination in the workplace, he or she could potentially be losing out on promotion or other work opportunities. If this discrimination results in lost income or retaliation of some form, an employment law attorney may be able to help the worker file a lawsuit against his or her employer. Depending on the claims, a lawyer may be able to gather evidence that shows that the employee was discriminated against. This proof may include sudden poor performance reviews after a string of good ones, having his or her hours suddenly be cut or harassment from supervisors or coworkers. In some cases, an attorney may be able to get the case settled out of court.

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