Employees in Texas who have been paid less than the state's minimum wage or denied overtime pay may be entitled to receive back pay from their employers. Back pay is the amount of wages that a worker should have been paid by their employer while the employer was violating wage and hour laws.
Back pay for wage and hour law violations
Struggles aging workers face
People in Texas searching for employment may have found themselves being evaluated when job hunting on discriminatory values such as gender, race or religion. One group that faces challenges during a recession are the elderly. Age discrimination often takes place during times of financial hardship since older and more experienced workers with higher salaries might face the risk of being replaced by someone younger who accepts lower pay.
Looking at the topic of at-will employment
Whoever you are and wherever you work, whether you like your job or not, employment is what allows us to support ourselves and our families, to pay the bills, to maintain independence. For those who are in employed positions, having some assurance of job security is therefore important. The reality is, though, that most employees do not have any special protections when it comes to termination of their employment.
Failure to Pay Overtime a Problem in Texas Oil and Gas
It may be common industry practice to pay oil and gas field workers a fixed daily or weekly rate, but workers are still entitled to overtime pay when they work more than 40 hours in a week.
Looking at employee rights regarding overtime
Last time, we began looking at a new rule passed by the Department of Labor which will extend overtime pay to millions more Americans. As we noted, the Fair Labor Standards Act exempts some employees from overtime pay as well as minimum wage protections, and it exempts certain employees from only overtime protections. Knowing one's own classification under the law is important to protect one's rights.
Texas nurses say employee rights were violated
A series of employee lawsuits against health care providers is attracting the attention of other workers who believe they are also being treated unfairly. A nurse at a Texas medical center is just one of thousands who feel their employee rights are not respected. Some say that it is becoming common business practice to cut costs at the expense of the worker.