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March 2017 Archives

Frequently asked questions about unpaid wages in Texas

If you are denied payment either of the minimum wage or overtime, you can recover the wages you are owed by reporting a wage and hour violation. Employers covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are required to pay wages and overtime. Due to varying state laws regarding wages and hours, some employees can get confused and end up not filing complaints about wrongfully-denied payments. Here are some frequently asked questions about wage theft and employee rights in Texas to help you understand the details:

How employees are protected against religious discrimination

Texas employers and employees should be aware that religious discrimination in the workplace can take a number of different forms. Furthermore, protection from religious discrimination covers more than just people who belong to major religions such as Christianity, Buddhism or Islam. People who belong to lesser-known religions and those with no religious faith are also protected against discrimination.

Leading jewelry company rocked by sexual discrimination claims

Employers in Texas and around the country know that allegations of sexual harassment can tarnish corporate reputations and impact bottom lines. The share value of Sterling Jewelry Co. plummeted by 13 percent in February when reports of alleged sexual misconduct within the company emerged. A gender discrimination complaint was filed against Sterling Jewelry in 2008 by about a dozen women who claimed that they were paid unfairly and passed over for promotion in favor of men. This complaint has now ballooned into a class action lawsuit involving more than 69,000 workers.

EEOC reaffirms position on gender identity discrimination

Texas residents may have heard that two federal agencies rescinded bathroom guidance related to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. The Department of Justice and Department of Education both rescinded the guidance on Feb. 22. Title IX prohibits sex discrimination in any educational institution that receiving funding from the federal government.

Bonuses may need to include overtime premiums

Texas employers generally understand that they have to pay non-exempt employees a premium on their base wage for working overtime. However, they may also have to pay a premium for non-discretionary bonuses given over timeframes in which a non-exempt employee worked overtime hours. Failing to do so could be a violation of overtime wage laws. As such a violation may occur with many workers, an attorney may attempt to bring about a class lawsuit.

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